
The Therapeutic Coaching model integrates key principles of NLP, developmental psychology, hypnotherapy, life coaching, EFT and mindfulness. The groundbreaking 18-month certification programme has been running since 2005 and is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Complementary Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), British Institute of Hypnotherapy (BIH) and EFT International.

The programme supports students from a range of previous career backgrounds, including those who are making a career change and are new to the area, along with those working in the field for many years such as psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists.  Students are trained to work with the many issues one would expect to see in normal practice, from confidence issues and anxiety, to low mood and phobias.

Created by Alex Howard and Anna Duschinsky, Therapeutic Coaching has been at the basis of the psychology approach at The Optimum Health Clinic (OHC) since its inception in 2003, and has evolved through the OHC working with thousands of patients in 50+ countries. As well as being underpinned by the latest developments in psychological theory, the Therapeutic Coaching model is very much grounded in the real world of clinical practice.

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